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Artist statement

Most of my art work explores the topics of human relationships and our attachment to other people; geography (space, place, maps and people); objects and its connection to memories, but also natural disasters and its relation to the way we live our lives. Everything is connected.  We are all connected to nature (animals and plants), the earth, the universe and, other human beings. You will see all these images on my work.


The first art work series started in 2000 when I was studying, it is called Internal Drainage. It expresses my personal view of family and its dymanics. The second series is a sequence and it is called A river which expresses the concept of social relationships, people´s attachment to place, objetcs and memories. This is a project  in which I still work today as it is the representation of my personal life.


Currently, my artistic work expresses the concepts of spirituality; religion; sacred geometry; cosmology, consciousness and an integrated concept of life. I base the research of my work on these fields and in ancient wisdom. Seven years ago I started a new path where I began to discover my inner being. Working on this personal research is a necessity in order to understand the mysteries of being  human and the fact that we own a Divine spark inside oursevelves. I´m eager to learn more and discover the truth inside of us. Part of my path was to train Taekwondo and knew its philosophy which increased my thirst for knowledge. Besides my artistic practice, my curiosity took me to collaborate as a researcher, writer and editor of a book in spirituality and psychology.


Our selves unfold into different perspectives or paths. Those are our inner geographies.



© 2017 All content on this website is copyright Laura Gamboa. All rights reserved.

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